(via ACRL)
Sarah Benson, Copyright Librarian and Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, is ACRL’s Member of the Week. Some of her responses to interview questions are below. To read the full interview, please go to https://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/18800
Describe ACRL in three words: Connecting, network, colleagues.
What do you value about ACRL? I really value the opportunity to collaborate with others during webinars and in person conferences. I co-chair the Copyright Discussion Group and we always have fascinating discussions about current copyright issues facing libraries during the ALA meetings. Come join us!
What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus? I help librarians, faculty, staff, students and library patrons with copyright issues they face daily such as fair use, author’s rights, teaching with copyrighted materials and more. The questions are rarely, if ever, the same and it is a fascinating job because I learn something new almost every single day.