(via Mary Jane Petrowski, ACRL Associate Director)
Mary M. Case is University Librarian and Dean of Libraries at the University of Illinois at Chicago University Library<https://library.uic.edu/>. Mary first joined ACRL in 1986 and is your ACRL member of the week for May 14, 2018.
Describe yourself in three words: Open, Collaborative, Optimistic.
What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device(s)? The Future of the Professions: How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts<https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-future-of-the-professions-9780198713395?cc=us&lang=en&>, by Richard and Daniel Susskind. Oxford University Press, 2017 paperback edition.
Describe ACRL in three words: Active, Impactful, Leading-edge.
What do you value about ACRL? The initiative to help articulate the value of academic libraries; the development of the information literacy framework; the educational efforts and programming (institutes, conference programs) on scholarly communication.
What do you as an academic librarian contribute to your campus? the ability to work outside of silos and bring a broader perspective to issues; ensuring that the Library is engaged in initiatives focused on student success, digital scholarship, and data management.
In your own words: It is extraordinarily rewarding to be a part of a vibrant campus community where your work can impact thousands of students and faculty as they pursue their research and learning. It is also rewarding to be part of a profession that is passionate about ensuring that the work of researchers is broadly accessible and preserved for the betterment of our society. How very fortunate I have been!
The interview is also available at https://www.acrl.ala.org/acrlinsider/archives/15811.