Continuing Education
Measuring Your Impact: Using Evaluation for Library Advocacy
All-day session 8:30-4:30, Conference hotel, Thursday, October 25Registration limit: 24
Ruth Holst, Associate Director, NN/LM Greater Midwest Region
Jacqueline Leskovec, MLIS, MA, RN, Outreach and Evaluation Coordinator, NN/LM Greater Midwest Region
More about Jacqueline
Library users and stakeholders will recognize and value the importance of their library's services and of the librarian to the organization. That is the ultimate goal of this six-hour workshop. The outcome for the class is that librarians will be able to show the value of their library's services. Participants will become familiar with an evaluation process and will use and take away methods and tools for assessment, evaluation planning, creating logic models, data collection, data analysis and reporting. The workshop will feature group exercises that move participants through the steps of an evaluation process. There will also be student discussion and exercises in addition to lecture.
Integrating RSS Feeds into Library Services
Morning session 8:30-11:30, ACES computer Lab, Thursday, October 25Registration limit: 25
Lauree G. Hart, MLIS, Web Systems Librarian
Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare – Elmbrook Memorial, Brookfield, Wisconsin
RSS feeds are not just for RSS Readers anymore. Libraries are using RSS feeds as an important tool to proactively provide library users with up-to-date information, group collaboration projects and to market library services.
RSS feeds push information to users and can be incorporated in web pages or read through an RSS Reader. Numerous publishers and authoritative government sources are offering RSS feeds. Feeds are being used to update web content, reading lists, table of contents, current awareness news, guidelines, safety alerts and more. Libraries may create their own RSS feeds to market featured library items, new Internet resources, library training and events as well as organizational information.
This class focuses on the benefits of using RSS feeds in a health science library environment. Identifying information needs and wants based on targeted user groups is discussed as well as aspects to consider before using RSS feeds. Finding and incorporating RSS XML feeds into HTML web pages is demonstrated. Class participants will gain hands-on experience in finding RSS XML feeds, placing the feeds in an RSS Reader and embedding them in an HTML page.
Geeks Bearing Gifts: Unwrapping new technology trends
Afternoon session 1:00-5:00, ACES Computer Lab, Thursday, October 25Registration limit: 25
Dale Prince, Technology Coordinator, NN/LM Southeastern/Atlantic Region
More about Dale
This class is intended to provide a fun, fast-paced, and informative introduction to and update on today’s hottest technology trends. Program participants will be able to identify technology trends and they will understand how these trends will impact or can be integrated into traditional library services. Content will be presented in with a “can-do” focus intended to encourage participants to investigate at least one technology for implementation in their institution. Course structure will include brief vignettes and demonstrations of a wide variety of technologies. Some of the topics to be covered include instant messaging, podcasting, blogs and wikis, social networking sites, collaboration software, and more.