(via Linda Feinberg, NorthShore University HealthSystem) Health Science Librarians of Illinois member Eleanor Truex, AMITA Health Saint Joseph Medical Library, is a 2021 recipient of the Medical Library Association’s Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Grant. According to MLA’s website, the purpose of the grant is “to provide support for research, development, or demonstration projects that will help…
Day: March 14, 2021
Registration Open for 2021 Virtual Digital Initiatives Symposium (April 26-29)–Deadline Sun., April 18
(via Amanda Makula, University of San Diego) Registration is now open for the 2021 Virtual Digital Initiatives Symposium. The event will take place from Monday, April 26, to Thursday, April 29. Hosted by the University of San Diego’s Copley Library, the Digital Initiatives Symposium is an annual event featuring workshops, presentations, and keynote addresses from…
Call for Proposals: Collaborative Librarianship Issue on EDI (Deadline Monday, March 22)
(via Jill Emery, Portland State University) The co-editors of Collaborative Librarianship invite proposals for a themed, double issue of the journal on collaboration for equity, diversity and inclusion. See below for details. Throughout the world, thousands have been protesting police brutality and systemic oppression following the brutal killings of Black Americans including George Floyd in Minnesota,…
Call for Facilitators: ACRL Fostering Change Cohort (Deadline Friday, April 9)
(via ACRL) The ACRL New Roles and Changing Landscapes Committee seeks up to two facilitators to help launch an online cohort program based on the recent Fostering Change publication. This new professional development program will debut in the summer 2021 for teams of librarians, library workers, and/or administrators from institutions planning an organizational change. The group…
Save the Date and Call for Proposals: 20th Annual Northwest ILL and Resource Sharing Conference (Online Sept. 1-3)–Deadline Fri., April 16
(via David Ketchum, University of Oregon) Mark your calendars! The 20th Annual Northwest Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing Conference will be September 1-3 (Wednesday-Friday), online. Look for registration to open in June 2021. If you would like to revisit last year’s conference, view our 2020 program here. Session titles that are linked have recordings available to the…
Reminder: Registration Open for Upcoming Online with the CMC Webinars (Next One is Thurs., March 18, From 10:00 to 11:00 AM)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) This is a reminder that registration is open for the remaining Online with the CMC webinars for FY 2021. Each webinar is from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT. Notice that we moved the April session to the second Thursday, rather than the third, so that it would…
Registration Open for CARLI Undergraduate Research Webinar Series (March 25 and 30-31, and April 1)
(via Nicole Swanson, CARLI) CARLI invites you to attend a series of eight webinars focused on academic library support of undergraduate research being held from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT on March 25 (Thursday), 30 (Tuesday), and 31 (Wednesday), and April 1 (Thursday). Attendees will learn about supporting students in remote research experiences, providing…