(via Leslie Starasta, Lincoln Christian University) Registration is now open for the ACL (Association of Christian Librarians) 2023 Annual Conference. An in-person gathering will take place in Cedarville, Ohio, from Tuesday, June 6, to Thursday, June 8. The Conference theme is “Service, the Heart of It All”. Please see below for the current Conference schedule….
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Reminder: Submissions for NNLM Data Visualization Challenge Due Fri., March 31
(via Karen Gutzman, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) If you are, consider submitting your data visualization to the NNLM Data Visualization Challenge! The challenge is hosted by the NNLM National Evaluation Center and is designed to provide inspiration, reveal insights, and showcase skills in visualizing open datasets. The Challenge encourages…
Reminder: IACRL Communications Committee Seeking Examples of Illinois Academic Librarians Who Have Accepted a New Position or Had a Recent Publication, for Inclusion in Spring 2023 IACRL Newsletter–Deadline Mon., March 6
(via Janis Joyce Shearer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) The IACRL Communications Committee is highlighting recent career changes and publications by Illinois academic librarians in the next IACRL Newsletter. If you have: Thank you!
Call for Program Proposals: 2023 ILA Annual Conference (Tues., Oct. 24 – Thurs., Oct. 26, in Springfield)–Deadline Tues., April 4
(via the Illinois Library Association) The ILA 2023 Annual Conference Program Committee is seeking program proposals for this year’s conference. In 2023, we will convene in Springfield, Illinois with the theme Connect, Cultivate, Collaborate. Every library in Illinois seeds connections to resources, cultivates stories, and collaborates with community and partners to grow. We are seeking programming that…
Reminder: Deadline to Apply for ACRL Science & Technology Section Committees is Tues., Feb. 28
(via Rachel Hamelers, Muhlenberg College) This is a reminder that the deadline to apply for an ACRL STS (Science & Technology Section) committee is Tuesday, February 28. If this is your second year serving on or chairing a committee, and you want to continue to serve, you still need to volunteer to re-up or switch committees…
Call for Participation: Survey “‘Next Gen’: Leadership in the 21st Century”, Intended for Health Sciences and Medical Librarians and Information Providers
(via Maud Mundava, A.T. Still University of Health Sciences) Maud Mundava, A.T. Still University, and Catherine Soehner, University of Utah, invite you to participate in a research project, “‘Next Gen’: Leadership in the 21st Century”, to address these questions: (1) What would encourage or discourage someone to consider leadership as a path for their career?…
Call for Public Comment: National Institutes of Health’s Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research–Deadline Mon., April 24
(via Dr. Robert (Jay) Malone, ACRL Executive Director, on behalf of Cliff Lynch, Coalition for Networked Information) The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has just issued a public call for comment, closing Monday, April 24, 2023, on its draft Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research. The Plan can be found…
Reminder: Submissions for Kennesaw State University’s Online All Things Open Week (Mon., April 3 – Fri., April 7) Due Fri., March 3
(via Chelsee Dickson, Kennesaw State University) We invite all interested parties to submit a presentation proposal for Kennesaw State University Libraries’ inaugural celebration of All Things Open Week. All sessions will be virtual. You might be wondering, what does “all things open” encompass? Speakers can choose from different “open” tracks and themes, and there are options for…
Reminder: Presenters Needed for RUSA ETS Tech Showcase at ALA 2023 (Exact Date and Time TBD)–Deadline Tues., Feb. 28
(via Joshua Newport Illinois State University) We are seeking presenters for the RUSA (Reference and User Services Association) at ETS (Emerging Technologies Section) Tech Showcase at ALA 2023 in Chicago, IL. Our planned format will be for all of the presenters to give a short introduction to their topic at the beginning of the session…
Call for Nominations: Elections for 2023-24 IACRL Executive Board –Deadline Fri., March 10
(via Emily Gilbert, IACRL Past President) Want to make a difference in the Illinois academic library community? Looking for an opportunity to develop your leadership skills? Consider running for an Illinois Association of College & Research Libraries (IACRL) office! Two offices, Secretary and Vice President/President-Elect, are on the ballot each spring. The Secretary serves a…