(via Coleen Martin–California State University, Northridge) Dear Colleagues, I’m conducting a study into librarians providing virtual research consultations. If you are an academic librarian who has provided virtual one-on-one research consultations since the onset of COVID-19, I’d appreciate your anonymous participation in the study’s survey, which is mostly multiple-choice questions and takes about 7-10 minutes to complete. Thanks…
Category: Calls and Requests
User for nominations, proposals and submissions alone with a category (when available) for the organization making the call or request.
Call for Participation: Digital Library Outreach and Instruction Survey (Deadline Fri., Nov. 18)
(via Anna Neatrour, University of Utah) Dear Colleagues, You are invited to participate in a survey with the goal of discovering how digital library practitioners at various types of cultural heritage institutions and academic organizations promote their unique resources beyond simply placing content in an online repository for users to discover. Types of outreach may…
Call for Participation: “Critical Race Theory in Academic Libraries” Survey
(via Simone Williams, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville) Dear Participant, Simone Williams, Assistant Professor and Diversity and Engagement Librarian at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, is inviting you to participate in a research study. The goal of this research study is to collect data to determine how concepts of critical race theory are applied in academic libraries…
Reminder: Application Deadline for CARLI Counts Cohort 4 is Thursday, December 1
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) I’m excited to announce that applications are available for the extremely popular CARLI Counts! Yes, we are having a Cohort 4 in 2023! Institutions with both program newcomers and alumni are encouraged to apply. Please submit your Library Application Form by Thursday, December 1. See here for program details, including…
Call for Article, Podcast, or Video Suggestions: Health Science Librarians of Illinois Journal Club (Next Meeting Thurs., Feb. 16, 3:00-4:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Fri., Dec. 9
(via Peggy Carey, National University of Health Sciences) 2023 resolution: Grow professionally. “Let’s give ’em something to talk about!” Please provide suggestions by Friday, December 9, 2022, to pcarey@nuhs.edu. Anything you’d want to share and discuss by openly voicing your thoughts about implications on your work will be considered–for example, Articles, Podcasts, or Videos. All recommendations are required to be…
Call for Participation: Survey on Global Resource Sharing Trends (Deadline Fri., Nov. 18)
(via Melissa Eighmy Brown, University of Minnesota) The following short, 5-minute survey will be open through Friday, November 18, 2022. If you haven’t had a chance to fill it out, there is still time! Many thanks to those of you who have already responded. In the last few years, a number of factors have contributed…
Call for Proposals: The Innovative Library Classroom 2023 Conference in Williamsburg, VA (Pre-Conference on Thurs., June 1; Conference on Fri., June 2)–Deadline Fri., Dec. 16
(via Lucinda Wittkower, Old Dominion University) We are now accepting proposals for The Innovative Library Classroom 2023. It will take place at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. A pre-conference workshop, poster session, and social will take place on Thursday, June 1, with the conference itself following on Friday, June 2. Our…
Call for Participation: Kennesaw State University Library System Survey on Work Experiences of Middle Managers at Academic Institutions
(via Kristina Clement, Kennesaw State University) The Kennesaw State University Library System would like to invite librarians and library staff members of academic institutions who consider themselves as “middle managers” to participate in a study examining the effects of “middleness”. Middle managers might experience degrees of middleness–that is, the point along the continuum of middle…
Reminder: Mentors Needed for Spectrum Scholars (Deadline Fri., Nov. 4)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Help support a diverse workforce in the next generation of academic librarians by mentoring an ALA Spectrum Scholar through the ACRL Dr. E.J. Josey Spectrum Scholar Mentor Program. This program links library school students and new librarians who are of American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern…
Reminder: Seeking New Volunteers for 2023 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Conference Planning Committee (Please Express Interest by Thurs., Nov. 3)
Looking for an opportunity to increase your participation in HSLI, while collaborating and networking with your fellow librarians from across the state? Please consider volunteering for the 2023 HSLI Conference Planning Committee. This message applies to people who did not serve on the 2022 HSLI Conference Planning Committee. The Committee’s main responsibilities are to decide…