(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) Registration for the Midwest / MLA (Medical Library Association) 2023 Conference is now open. The meeting will take place online from Wednesday, October 11, to Friday, October 13. The keynote speaker is Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBe. She will speak on “Data Sharing for…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Call for Participation: ILA Annual Conference Community Project with Central Illinois Foodbank
(via the Illinois Library Association) In an effort to connect with local organizations and model collaboration for our attendees, the 2023 ILA Annual Conference will feature a community project. Our partner in this project, the Central Illinois Foodbank, is a non-profit organization addressing food insecurity in the central and southern Illinois area. In the last fiscal…
Next Family Reading Night on Thursday, November 16
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Academic librarians–you may be interested in participating in this statewide event! Sponsored by the Illinois Secretary of State and State Librarian and the Illinois State Library’s Illinois Center for the Book, Family Reading Night is an annual statewide event held the third Thursday in November to encourage families to…
Call for Proposals: Amigos Library Services Conference “Reimagining Libraries: Exploring the AI & VR Revolution in Library Services” (Online Thurs., Nov. 30)–Deadline Wed., Sept. 20
(via Jodie Borgerding, Amigos Library Services) I am producing an online conference on Thursday, November 30, about the impact of AI and realities on library services. I would love to see proposals from instruction librarians and staff who have worked with, or dealt with, AI and various realities in their work. Potential presentation topics can include,…
Reminder: Registration Open for Illinois Library Association Annual Conference (Tues, Oct, 24 – Thurs., Oct. 26, in Springfield)–Early-Bird Deadline Mon., Oct. 2
(via the Illinois Library Association) Are you registered for the ILA Annual Conference? If not, don’t wait another minute–take action and register now! This conference promises a myriad of offerings for attendees, including: Why pass up on all of these fantastic offerings? Join us October 24-26 (Tuesday-Thursday) at the BOS Center in Springfield by registering today. Don’t wait too long – the early-bird…
Call for Proposals: Conference on The First-Year Experience (Sun., Feb. 18 – Wed., Feb. 21, in Seattle, WA)–Deadline Fri., Sept. 8, at 1:59 AM CDT
(via Jennifer Joe, University of Toledo) The 43rd Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience will be held February 18-21 (Sunday-Wednesday), 2024, in Seattle, Washington. High-quality concurrent session, facilitated dialogue, and vendor presentation proposals are invited on topics addressing the myriad aspects of the first year of college. Proposals will be accepted through 1:59 AM CDT on Friday,…
Reminder: Call for Proposals Open for 2023 Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) Symposium (Online Thurs., Nov. 16)–Deadline Fri., Sept. 1
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Medical Institutional Repositories in Libraries (MIRL) planning committee is now accepting proposals for the third MIRL Symposium, a free event which will take place virtually on Thursday, November 16, 2023 (time to be determined). MIRL is a platform-neutral conference for IR practitioners and…
Registration Open for 2023 IFLA WLIC North America Virtual Hub, Hosted by UIUC (Mon., Aug. 21 – Thurs., Aug. 24)–Deadline Fri., Aug. 18
(via Dr. Clara Chu, Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor at Mortenson Center, UIUC Library) Join us August 21-24 for the 2023 IFLA WLIC North America Virtual Hub hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Mortenson Center for International Library Program and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library are honored to be hosting and coordinating one…
Call for Education Program Proposals: 2024 ALA Annual Conference (Thurs., June 27 – Tues., July 2, in San Diego, CA)–Deadline Mon., Sept. 18
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The call for education program proposals for the 2024 American Library Association Annual Conference is now open. The 2024 meeting will take place in San Diego, California, from Thursday, June 27, to Tuesday, July 2. Please see below for more information. Proposal Evaluation Criteria The Education Program Proposal Rubric and Poster Proposal Rubric are included…
Registration Open for Library UX Chicago Workshop on Ethnographic Research Methods in Libraries–Tues., Oct. 3, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM CDT at DePaul University
Library UX Chicago is pleased to host Drs. Donna Lanclos and Andrew Asher for an in-person workshop on ethnographic research methods in libraries held at DePaul University’s John T. Richardson Library on the Lincoln Park campus. This event will take place on Tuesday, October 3, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM CDT, and is open to all…