(via the Medical Library Association) Posters and Lightning Talks are great ways to share information about research or programs. And now that submitters have received feedback from Round 1 of submissions, it’s a good opportunity to take a moment and consider revising your abstract and submitting for a Poster or Lightning Talk. The 2023 National…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Call for Proposals: Core Project Management Interest Group Session During Core Virtual IG Week (Wed., March 8, at 10:00 AM CDT)–Deadline Mon., Jan. 30
(via Nicole Lewis, Brigham Young University) The Core Project Management Interest Group (PMIG) is seeking presentation proposals for its meeting during the Core Virtual IG Week in March 2023. The PMIG session will take place on Wednesday, March 8, at 10:00 AM CDT. Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length including brief…
Call for Proposals Extended: ALA Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program on Universal Design for Learning at ALA Annual Conference (in Chicago, June 22-27, Thurs.-Tues.)–New Deadline Fri., Jan. 13
(via Julie Hornick, Florida Southern College) Proposals for the LIRT President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (June 22-27, Thursday-Tuesday, 2023) are currently being accepted. Those received by Friday, January 13, will receive priority consideration. Program Title: “Universal design for learning – planning for all learners” Universal design for learning is an educational…
Save the Date: Best Practices Exchange (Un)Conference (Monday, June 12 – Wednesday, June 14, in Athens, GA)
(via Katherine Fisher, Emory University) Save the date for the Best Practices Exchange (Un)Conference, which will be June 12-14 (Monday-Wednesday), 2023, at the University of Georgia Special Collections Library in Athens, GA. Best Practices Exchange (BPE) is a community of practitioners who manage digital information that gets together annually to share their experiences and have honest…
Call for Contributions: Hybrid iPRES 2023 Conference (Sept. 19-23, Tues.-Sat., On-Site in Urbana-Champaign)–Deadline Fri., March 10
(via Caitlin Perry, International Image Interoperability Framework) On behalf of the iPRES (International Conference on Digital Preservation) 2023 Program Committee, we are very pleased to announce that the Call for Contributions for iPRES 2023 is now open. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Chicago Collections Consortium will host iPRES 2023 from Tuesday, September 19, to…
Call for Proposals Extended: ALA Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program at ALA Annual in Chicago (Deadline Fri., Jan. 13)
(via Alicia Vaandering, University of Rhode Island) ALA Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) has extended the call for panelists for the LIRT President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (Thursday, June 22 – Tuesday, June 27). Program Title: “Universal design for learning – planning for all learners” Universal design for learning is an…
Call for Host Site: Library Research Round Table’s Library Research Seminar (Next Meeting in Oct. of 2024)–Deadline Wed., Feb. 1, 2023
(via Dr. Karen Kaufman, Seminole State College) Periodically, the ALA Library Research Round Table (LRRT) acts as the principal supporter of the Library Research Seminar (LRS). LRS has a rich past, with notable institutions hosting the event. Recent Seminar locations have included the University of South Carolina, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the…
Call for Proposals: RUSA 29th Annual Research Forum at ALA Annual (in Chicago June 22-27, Thurs.-Tues.)–Deadline Mon., Jan. 30
(via Meg Galasso, Indiana University Kokomo) The RUSA (Reference and User Services Association) Reference Services Section (RSS) Reference & Statistics committee welcomes proposals for the 29th Annual Reference Research Forum, to be held at ALA Annual in Chicago (June 22-27, Thursday-Tuesday). Proposals are due by Monday, January 30. Please see the call for proposals for detailed…
Call for Proposals: ACRL Instruction Section Virtual Engagement Committee Lightning Rounds on Experimentation and Innovation in Library Instruction (Deadline Fri., Dec. 23)
(via Mallory Jallas, Illinois State University) After a long period of isolation, the need to engage students is more essential than ever. Share a pedagogical strategy for connecting with students. The ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Virtual Engagement Committee (VEC) is seeking 3-4 presenters for a lightning round session on experimentation and innovation in library instruction….
Reminder: Proposals for 2023 Reaching Forward South Conference (Fri., April 14, in O’Fallon) Due Fri., Dec. 9
(via the Illinois Library Association) The clock is ticking to submit a program proposal for the 2023 Reaching Forward South Conference! Don’t miss your chance to present at this conference that serves library staff at all levels, with a strong focus on frontline and support staff. The conference will be held on Friday, April 14,…