(via Amy Reyes–University of California, Los Angeles) The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) seeks applicants for editorial board members for 2021-2024. In line with our commitment to equity, we wish to use these positions to bring a greater diversity of perspectives and lived experiences to our team. Individuals who identify as being from an underrepresented group…
Category: Medical Library Association (MLA)
Recording Now Available for OHSLA Program Drawn to Graphic Medicine: Bringing Comics into Medical Librarianship (Worth 1.5 MLA CE hours)
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) If you were interested in the OHSLA (Ohio Health Sciences Library Association) Spring 2021 Program Drawn to Graphic Medicine: Bringing Comics into Medical Librarianship, but could not make it when we held the live class on Apr. 30, the recording is available. You…
Call for Editorial Board Members: Journal of the Medical Library Association (Deadline Mon., May 31)
(via Shannon Jones, Director of Libraries at Medical University of South Carolina) The Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA) seeks applicants for editorial board members for 2021-2023. In line with our commitment to equity, we wish to use these positions to bring a greater diversity of perspectives and life experiences to our team. Individuals…
Reminder: Submissions Deadline for 2021 MCMLA/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting (Online Oct. 13-15) is Fri., June 4; Informational Session on Fri., May 21, at 1:00 PM CDT
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Joint Research Program Committee invites poster, paper, and lightning talk abstract submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2021 MCMLA (Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association)/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting. The meeting will take place virtually from October 13…
Call for Participation: Medical Library Association’s Capitol Hill Day for Illinois (Between May 10 and 18)
(via Charlotte Beyer, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science) If you live in Illinois and are interested in participating in Capitol Hill Day this year for Illinois, I am the state coordinator this year. I hope to have the meetings between Monday, May 10, and Tuesday, May 18. They will be probably around 15-30…
Registration Open for MLA April Webinar “The Fundamentals of Library Program and Service Evaluation” (Tues., April 27, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT)
(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is now open for the Medical Library Association’s April webinar “The Fundamentals of Library Program and Service Evaluation”. The session will take place on Tuesday, April 27, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. A description is below. Assessment of teaching activities is familiar to most librarians, but how to…
Registration Open for MLA Online Summit Moving Toward Equitable Health Sciences Knowledge Sharing (May 4-6, Tues.-Thurs.)–Deadline Tues., April 27
(via the Medical Library Association) The Medical Library Association (MLA) invites you to attend the upcoming Summit dedicated to Moving Toward Equitable Health Sciences Knowledge Sharing, the next event in the MLA InSight Initiative. This Summit will feature a keynote speaker and three expert panels who will discuss issues and advances toward equity in scholarly…
HSLI Member Eleanor Truex Receives MLA Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Grant
(via Linda Feinberg, NorthShore University HealthSystem) Health Science Librarians of Illinois member Eleanor Truex, AMITA Health Saint Joseph Medical Library, is a 2021 recipient of the Medical Library Association’s Research, Development, and Demonstration Project Grant. According to MLA’s website, the purpose of the grant is “to provide support for research, development, or demonstration projects that will help…
Registration Open for MLA Webinar “Critical Appraisal of Diagnosis Studies” (Thurs., March 25, 1:00-2:30 PM CDT)
(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is open for the Medical Library Association’s March Live Webinar, “Critical Appraisal of Diagnosis Studies”. The event will take place on Thursday, March 25, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM CDT. A description is below. As medical schools, clinics, and hospitals increasingly promote evidence-based medicine, it is more important than…
Call for Posters and Lightning Talks Extended: MLA 2021 Virtual Meeting (New Deadline Mon, Feb. 15)
(via the Medical Library Association) The 2021 National Program Committee invites abstract submissions that support the annual meeting theme, “Transforming Our Diversifying Communities”. The MLA ’21 “Call for Poster and Lightning Talks” has been extended to Monday, February 15. Posters and lightning talks are great ways to share information about research or programs. Submitters must…