(via ACRL) The Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) announces the opening of registration for the ACRL 2023 Conference, to be held March 15-18 (Wednesday-Saturday), 2023, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and virtually. Higher education has changed dramatically over the last few years. Academic libraries are addressing an increased emphasis on remote learning, rising calls for social…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
ACRL Digital Badge Interest Group Holding Fall Virtual Program, “The Badge Is Half the Battle: Digital Badging as Training Motivation” (Wed., Nov. 30, at 12:00 PM CDT)–No Registration Required
(via Wendy Pothier, University of New Hampshire) The ACRL Digital Badge Interest Group (DBIG) will hold its Fall Virtual Program on Wednesday, November 30, at 12:00 PM CDT. The program is titled “The Badge is Half the Battle: Digital Badging as Training Motivation”, and the presenter is Jennifer Wright. Please see below for more information,…
Registration Open for Online with the CMC Webinar “O Brother, Part 2: What to Do With the 024, 028, & 588 Fields for Videocassettes and Kits” (Thurs., Dec. 8, 10:00-11:00 AM CDT)
(via Dr. Pamela Thomas, Illinois Heartland Library System) Registration is open for the Cataloging Maintenance Center’s next Online with the CMC webinar. Titled “O Brother, Part 2: What to Do With the 024, 028, & 588 Fields for Videocassettes and Kits”, it will take place on Thursday, December 8, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM CDT….
Call for Proposals: ALA Library Instruction Round Table President’s Program on Universal Design for Learning at ALA Annual Conference (in Chicago, June 22-27, Thurs.-Tues.)–Priority Deadline Thurs., Dec. 1
(via Julie Hornick, Florida Southern College) Proposals for the LIRT President’s Program at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, IL (June 22-27, Thursday-Tuesday, 2023) are currently being accepted. Those received by Thursday, December 1, will receive priority consideration. Program Title: “Universal design for learning – planning for all learners” Universal design for learning is an educational…
Registration Open for MLA Online Course “Health Services and Policy Research: Sources and Search Strategies 2022” (Thurs., Dec. 1 and 8, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT Both Days)–Limited to 20 Attendees
(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is open for the MLA online course “Health Services and Policy Research: Sources and Search Strategies 2022”. This instructor-led course will take place on Tuesday, December 1, and Tuesday, December 8, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM CDT both days. The cost is $265 for members and $345 for…
UMich Taubman Health Sciences Library and MLA Research Caucus Holding Webinar “Potential Pitfalls in Conducting a Research Study” (Thurs., Nov. 17, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Registration Not Required
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The University of Michigan Taubman Health Sciences Library and the Research Caucus of the Medical Library Association (MLA) invite you to a webinar on Thursday, November 17, at 1:00 PM CDT, titled “Potential Pitfalls in Conducting a Research Study”. The webinar will…
Reminder: Registration Open for Next ACRL STS College Science Librarians Virtual Discussion (Thurs., Nov. 17, at 1:00 PM CDT)–Topic is “Creating Balance and Managing Expectations: Data, Instruction, & Outreach”
(via Elizabeth (Betsy) Sterner, formerly of Governors State University) Please join us for the next ACRL STS (Science & Technology Section) College Science Librarians Virtual Discussion on Thursday, November 17, starting at 1:00 PM CDT. Hear what is happening with colleagues from far and wide, and share strategies that have worked for you in the…
Reminder: Application Deadline for CARLI Counts Cohort 4 is Thursday, December 1
(via Anne Craig, CARLI Senior Director) I’m excited to announce that applications are available for the extremely popular CARLI Counts! Yes, we are having a Cohort 4 in 2023! Institutions with both program newcomers and alumni are encouraged to apply. Please submit your Library Application Form by Thursday, December 1. See here for program details, including…
ACRL Technical Services Interest Group Holding Fall Meeting on How Libraries and Archives Can Use Wikipedia and Wikimedia to Share Content More Widely (Mon., Nov. 7, at 1:00 PM CDT)–No Registration Required
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Please join the ACRL Technical Services Interest Group fall meeting on Monday, November 7, at 1:00 PM CDT. Our topic will be how libraries and archives can use Wikipedia and Wikimedia to share content with a larger and more diverse audience. Our guest speaker is Michael Barera, Assistant Archivist…
Registration Open for Free ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table Homelessness Summit (Mon., Nov. 14, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM CDT)
(via April Sheppard, Arkansas State University) The registration for the ALA SRRT (Social Responsibilities Round Table) Homelessness Summit is now live! As many of you know, November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, while November 12-20 is Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week. To help bring awareness to these issues, both as a social-justice issue and…