(via Krista Bowers Sharpe, IACRL Communications Committee Chair) The IACRL Conference & Continuing Education Committee and CARLI are pleased to partner for Spark: Open Pathways – Exploring the Intersections of Diversity Equity and Inclusion and Open Educational Resources. The event will take place via Zoom on Friday, April 1, starting at 10:00 AM CDT. DEI and…
Category: Library Organizations
Non-HSLI associations, consortiums, and systems for libraries/librarians
IACRL Newsletter Seeking Information on Academic Librarians Who Have Accepted a New Position or Had Work Published Recently (Deadline Fri., March 4)
(via Jill Harper, Heartland Community College) The IACRL Communications Committee is highlighting recent career changes and publications by Illinois academic librarians in the next IACRL Newsletter. If you have: changed positions since September, 2021 been published since September, 2021 and would like to be included in our Spring, 2022, issue, please send your career and/or publication information to Jill Harper, at jill.harper@heartland.edu, by Friday, March 4.
Registration Open for ACRL STS Online Discussion “Science Communication and Libraries” (Tues., Feb. 15, at 2;00 PM CDT)
(via Michael Goates, Brigham Young University) The ACRL Science and Technology Section is holding an online discussion at 2:00 PM CDT on Tuesday, February 15. The topic is “”Science Communication and Libraries”. A description is below. Libraries have long played a role in gathering and providing access to scientific research. However, in today’s media landscape,…
Reminder: Registration Available for ILA Forum Open House (Fri., Feb. 25, 12:00-2:00 PM)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Are you an ILA member who wants to get involved but doesn’t know where to begin, or have you been considering joining ILA but need a reason? If so, register today for the first annual ILA Forum Open House, which will take place on Friday, February 25, from 12:00 to 2:00 PM…
Call for Applicants: At-Large RAILS Board Seat for Term Ending June 30, 2024 (Deadline 5:00 PM on Wed., Feb. 23, 2022)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) Due to a resignation from the RAILS Board, we have an opening for an at-large seat for a term ending on June 30, 2024. Any individual representing a RAILS academic, public, school, or specialized library is eligible to self-nominate for this seat by Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 5:00 PM CDT….
Call for Posts Related to Academic Libraries: RAILS My Library Is … Blog (RAILS Membership Not Required)
(via Gwen Gregory, Northern Illinois University) The My Library Is … advisory group is looking for blog posts related to academic libraries. The blog, accessible here, is managed by RAILS, but you don’t have to be at a RAILS member library to participate. The post can be about a program or service, your library’s marketing or communications, or other…
Reminder: Proposals for 2022 OCLC Resource Sharing Conference (Series of Online Events from Late March to June) Due Fri., Feb. 11–Extension Available Through Wed., Feb. 16
(via Carmen Byg, OCLC) OCLC is excited to announce the 2022 OCLC Resource Sharing Conference, a virtual event. Because of your very positive feedback from the RSC21 web series, we will host another series of free virtual events that will focus on topics of interest to the interlibrary loan community. The events will take place from late…
ACRL Health Sciences Interest Group Holding General Meeting, with Focus on Library Work Tools (Online Thurs., Feb. 10, at 12:00 PM CDT)
(via Anna Ferri, Roseman University of Health Sciences) Please join us for the ACRL Health Science Interest Group (HSIG) General Meeting on Thursday, February 10, at 12:00 PM CDT. Both current members and those interested are invited. Zoom information below. For the first 30ish minutes, we will get updates from our committees (Programming, Membership) and the…
Registration Open for MLA 2022 Annual Meeting and Exhibition (May 4-6 in New Orleans, with Virtual Option)–Early-Bird Deadline Thurs., March 31
(via the Medical Library Association) Registration is now open for the first in-person MLA meeting in two years. The 2022 Annual Meeting and Exhibition will take place from Wednesday, May 4, to Friday, May 6, with CE courses the afternoon of Tuesday, May 3, preceded by a virtual kick-off and conference Opening Session on Wednesday, April 27 ….
Registration Still Open for Remaining ILA Library Legislative Meet-ups (Held Virtually Between Feb. 4 and Feb. 28)
(via the Illinois Library Association) Registration is still open for the remaining ILA 2022 Library Legislative Meet-ups. This annual series of events provides an opportunity to meet with your state and federal legislators and hear their thoughts firsthand about issues affecting libraries in your area. The ILA President will bring welcoming remarks; ILA Legislative Consultant Derek Blaida and ILA…