There are a couple of items of interest in the latest news update from the Illinois Library Association. 2014 Advocacy Calendar It’s not too early to get key library advocacy dates on your calendar for 2014. Here goes: February 14: South Suburban Breakfast, Lockport February 14: West Suburban Lunch, Oak Brook February 17: North Suburban…
Back Issues Added to HSLI Newsletter Archive
Fran Kovach has digitized the 1980s and 1990s issues of the HSLI Newsletter. You can now view these back issues at https://hsli.orgarchive/ They are also linked on the menu at the right.
Ready, Set, Influence! Participating in the Business of Your Health Care Organization
MLA’s webinar “Ready, Set, Influence! Participating in the Business of Your Health Care Organization,” is scheduled for Wednesday, November 6, 2013, 1:00pm-2:30pm, Central Time. There are two locations in Illinois for viewing the webcast. The Illinois State Library will be a site. Online registration is available at Presence Saint Joseph Medical Center, 333 N….
Daniel Biss’s Presentation
The video of Illinois State Senator Daniel Biss’s keynote address last Friday at Northern Illinois University’s “Open Access Week” event is linked below. Eric Edwards took the following notes that answer many frequently asked questions about open access and the Open Access to Research Articles Act. Illinois State Senator Daniel Biss’s Presentation During Northern…
Conference Report – Carmen Howard
The 2013 Midwest Chapter/MLA and HSLI conference was a new experience for me, and I would like to thank the Syed Maghrabi Scholarship committee and all of HSLI for giving me the opportunity to attend. Although I have been a librarian for many years, I am relatively new to the health sciences and this was…
Conference Report – Daneen Richardson
I want to thank the committee for awarding me one of the Syed Maghrabi Scholarships for the 2013 Joint Midwest Chapter MLA/HSLI Conference. This assistance allowed me to attend the conference as a participant as well as a member of the planning committee. I attended the Saturday morning CE Planning, Conducting, & Publishing Research. Our instructors, Nancy…
Conference Report – Michael Wold
“The Practice of Medicine is an art, not a trade, not a business, but a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.“-William Osler, MD, 1849-1919. I think this quote could read “The Practice of Medical Librarianship is an art.”This conference, Navigating a River of Information, reflected so many talented, innovative, progressive,…
Health Science Librarians of Illinois Helen Knoll Jira Scholarship
HSLI has received a very generous gift from the estate of Helen Knoll Jira. This gift will be placed into an endowment fund, with the proceeds used to support graduate education in library science or a closely related field of benefit to the profession of librarianship. An ad-hoc committee is forming to set up initial…
Declaration for the Right to Libraries
Declaration for the Right to Libraries is a campaign from the American Library Association designed to build public support for all library types. The campaign includes a toolkit with ideas for hosting a signing of the declaration in your library. While some points in the declaration fit best with public libraries, the spirit of the…