Royden “Roy” Jones, who retired in 2015 as Library Manager at OSF St. Francis Medical Center and served as HSLI Secretary (1996-97) and President (2018-2020), is the 2023 recipient of the HSLI President’s Award. The President’s Award recognizes an HSLI member who has made a significant and lasting contribution to the organization. The current HSLI President chooses the recipient. Please see below for the statement of nomination.

Roy was very actively involved in HSLI for a number of years. Even when he was not chairing the Conference Planning Committee, he worked closely with Conference sites to make certain that venues would meet HSLI’s needs and provide a welcoming environment for continuing education and networking. His work as Chair of the Membership Committee was invaluable in retaining as many current members as possible and recruiting new ones, and he was always extremely diligent in following up with people who had not renewed their membership. Roy was very frank about the challenges and opportunities facing HSLI, and he was always willing to offer guidance or advice. Even after he had to retire unexpectedly in 2015, he maintained his level of involvement in HSLI, and he actually built upon it by running for, and winning, the HSLI Presidency in 2017. It is unusual for retirees to remain as active in HSLI as Roy did until just a few years ago, and I think that is a testament to Roy’s dedication and the passion he had for making HSLI a stronger organization.
For more information on the President’s Award, including a list of past recipients, please go here.
Congratulations, and thank you very much for all of your hard work on behalf of HSLI over the years!
Congratulations Roy!
Well deserved
Congratulations Roy