(via Christian Miller, Cornell University) Once again, the ACRL University Library Section (ULS) Membership Committee is providing the “On-the-Fly” mentoring service during the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. The service allows a mentee to talk with a mentor for a twenty minute session, on a drop-in basis. Historically, we have had great turnout of people wanting…
Category: Conferences and Meetings – Non-HSLI
Save the Date: Midwest/MLA 2023 Conference–Online Wed., Oct. 11 – Fri., Oct. 13
(via Ramune Kubilius, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University) The Midwest/MLA (Medical Library Association) 2023 conference will take place online from Wednesday, October 11, to Friday, October 13. This year’s conference theme is “Explore the Possibilities”. Please check the meeting website for more details as they become available. The conference organizers have already posted…
Registration Open for REFORMA Institute 2023 (in-Person in Chicago and Virtual on Thurs., June 22)–Deadline Fri., June 16
(via Kristin Pekoll, Illinois Library Association, on behalf of David Lopez 2022-23 REFORMA Vice-President/President-Elect) The REFORMA National Conference will hold an Institute in 2023 rather than an RNC. The REFORMA Institute will take place on Thursday, June 22, at McCormick Place in Chicago, IL, before ALA Annual. There is also a virtual option. The Institute…
Reminder: Proposals Deadline for 2023 STEM Librarians South Conference (Online Thurs., July 13 – Fri., July 14) is Wed., May 31
(via Jessica Simpson, Texas A&M University) This is a reminder that the call for proposals for the 2023 STEM Librarian South Virtual Conference is open! This Conference will take place virtually on Thursday, July 13, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM CDT, and Friday, July 14, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM CDT. Our Conference is…
Registration Still Open for ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section 2023 Conference (Tues., June 27 – Fri., June 30, in Bloomington, IN, and Virtually)
(via ACRL) Registration is still available for the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) 2023 Conference. Themed “A New Kind of Professional”, the conference will be held June 27-30 (Tuesday-Friday), 2023, at Indiana University Bloomington and virtually. The need for greater focus on diversity, equity, and accessibility in all areas of Special Collections work, from…
Registration Open for OCLC Cataloging Community Meeting–Online Fri., June 9, from 1:00 to 3:30 PM CDT
(via OCLC) Join us on Friday, June 9, from 1:00 to 3:30 PM CDT, for the OCLC Cataloging Community Meeting. This semi-annual, virtual event offers updates on current topics of interest. We’re putting together an engaging agenda, with short presentations by both cataloging community members and OCLC staff. We’ll discuss recent and upcoming initiatives to increase…
Registration Open for 11th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase (Online Thurs., June 1, 1:30-4:00 PM CDT)–Deadline Thurs., June 1, at 12:30 PM CDT
(via Denise Green, CARLI) We hope you’ve saved the date! Registration to attend the 11th Annual CARLI Instruction Showcase is now open. This free virtual event is hosted by the CARLI Instruction Committee and will be held via Zoom on Thursday, June 1, from 1:30 to 4:00 PM CDT. Please share with anyone at your…
Registration Open for 2023 Maker Literacies Immersion Program (Sun., July 16 – Fri., July 21, in Arlington, TX)–Deadline Wed., June 28
(via Tara Radniecki–University of Nevada, Reno) We are excited to announce that registration is now open for the 2023 Maker Literacies Immersion Program! The meeting will take place at The University of Texas at Arlington from Sunday, July 16, to Friday, July 21.This IMLS grant-funded program aims to support the development of experiential and project-based curricula…
Registration Open for Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians (Wed., July 19 – Fri., July 21, in State College, PA)–Deadline Fri., June 2
(via Kristen Adams, Miami University) We are excited to announce that registration is open for the 2023 Great Lakes Science Boot Camp for Librarians! The Conference will take place from Wednesday, July 19, to Friday, July 21. Located at the beautiful Pennsylvania State University’s University Park campus in State College, PA, this economical science conference…
Registration Open for ACRL Science & Technology Section’s Annual Program (Thurs., June 15, Starting at 12:00 PM CDT)–Focus is Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEM Libraries
(via Rebecca Renirie, Central Michigan University) You are cordially invited to join the 2023 STS Conference Program Planning Committee virtually on June 15th, 2023, for the STS Annual Program! This year’s program examines topics related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM libraries. The program has two presentations. The first will begin at 12:00 PM CDT….