HSLI 2018 Conference

September 26-28 Rockford, IL

conference logo

Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) serves as the primary statewide organization meeting the needs and interests of all information professionals who focus on the area of health and medical science.

Anyone interested in librarianship and learning is welcome to attend the conference. Information professionals working in all types of libraries can benefit from the continuing education sessions offered during the conference.

Continuing Education

Thursday Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Data Management in the Wild

1:00pm -3:00pm | no MLA CE credit

This presentation will give an overview of current national initiatives related to data management and, more broadly, data science. We'll discuss how these national efforts offer opportunities to incorporate data management best practices into reference, teaching, and consult opportunities in a variety of library settings.

Erin Foster is the Data Services Librarian at the Indiana University School of Medicine. In this position, she is responsible for developing a data services program out of the medical library to help students, faculty, and staff manage, share, and preserve research data at her institution. Erin is a former National Library of Medicine fellow and a current co-convener of the MLA Data special interest group.

Your Online Professional Identity – Using Professional Profile Systems to Your Best Advantage


1:00pm -3:00pm | no MLA CE credit

One's online scholarly presence can be critical for work and scholarship, however it is also time consuming and sometimes we are not fully aware about how we are represented on the Internet. In this workshop participants will learn about options for managing one's online identity using tools such as Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, ORCID and more. We will share strategies that can help you make decisions about which tools will best fit your needs and workflow. Not only will this be useful for one's own work and scholarship, it will be useful for those who support other professionals engaged in research and scholarship.

Peg Burnette/ Erin Kerby / Amanda Avery
Peg Burnette is an Assistant Professor and Biomedical Sciences Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Peg is actively engaged in the supporting the Carle Illinois College of Medicine as well as a robust campus-wide program of interdisciplinary health sciences research. Peg's own research is grounded in the convergence of Knowledge Management and Library and Information Science (LIS) with an emphasis on the concept of the expert, the role of tacit knowledge in expertise, and tacit knowledge transfer and transformation. Prior to joining the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Peg was at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine-Peoria where she built expertise in the areas of medical informatics, evidence-based practice, knowledge management, health literacy, and curriculum integrated instruction.

Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions

Building Partnerships with Faculty, Clinicians and other Stakeholders

8:00am - Noon | 4 MLA CE credit

Interested in strategies on building partnerships that lead to collaborative projects? This class will discuss barriers to building partnerships and detailed plans to help you overcome these obstacles. Learn some strategies that will help open opportunities for collaborative projects in both the academic and hospital settings. After four hours in a practical experience workshop, you will walk away with an action plan that fits you.
Learning Outcomes

  • Develop detailed plans for building partnerships
  • Refine strategies to start collaborative projects via these partnerships
  • Recognize opportunities to develop partnerships

Gwen Wilson is the Health Informatics Coordinator/Librarian at Washburn University in Topeka, KS. She received her Master of Library Science from Emporia State University in 2012. I have been an active member of MCMLA since 2012 and a member of MLA since 2014. I am currently serving MCMLA as the Immediate Past Chair. Previously I have served as Chair of MCMLA, MLA Credentialing Liaison, and chair of the Education Committee. My passion for medical librarianship began when I was hired as a Graduate Teaching Assistant in a Nursing Library. I love the challenges of being a health sciences librarian and how I never know what research question a student/faculty will ask. Today my research interests' focus on the role information literacy has in Evidence-Based Practice, the role of librarians in inter-professional education and the challenge of reporting meaningful metrics in relation to research impact.

Dissemination in Action: Communicating Research in a Digital World

8:00am - Noon | 4 MLA CE credit

Attendees of the course should have a laptop computer (or one to share, if two people want to pair up) and access to Wifi. No photocopies of materials are needed. All necessary materials and slides will be made available to all attendees through Google Drive during the course.

Increasingly, librarians are involved in tracking research dissemination and impact. The instructors will provide a solid background on dissemination and demonstrate the practical applications of a variety of tools. We will equip participants with the knowledge to help their patrons create better dissemination strategies and inspire compelling impact statements. Join us for this dynamic learning opportunity, which will include lecture, demonstrations, and large and small group activities.

The session will include:  

  • Exploring social media platforms commonly used to disseminate research 
  • Writing plain language summaries of research
  • Exploring tools that track alternative metrics 
  • Identifying institutional and open repositories, and the importance of archiving outputs 
  • Optimizing outputs for discoverability by search engines 
  • Crafting research impact statements 

Karen Gutzman is the Impact and Evaluation Librarian at Galter Health Sciences Library where she works with the Metrics and Impact Core. Her responsibilities are to support individuals and groups in their understanding, assessment, visualization, and reporting of impactful outcomes of research and clinical care efforts.


Register by Mail

Download Printable Form

Register Online

Online registration includes a $6.00 processing charge

Registration Type
Thursday CE, 1pm-3pm - Choose 1
Friday CE, 8am-noon, Choose 1
Mentor/Mentee opportunities
Nancy's Reception
Special Dietary Needs:
First and Last Name of Person Attending
Library and Institution of Person Attending
City and State of Person Attending
Email of Person Attending


Thirsting for Knowledge: Opportunities for Librarians in the Age of Data

Kristi Holmes, PhD is the Director of Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Director of Evaluation for Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS), and Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics) and Medical Education at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She supports the library's strong mission to advance leading-edge patient care, research, and education through integrated partnerships, dedicated services and resources, and a deep commitment to innovation and excellence. She and her team have built operationalized workflows for the library and beyond, including a robust evaluation infrastructure for the campus built on a foundation of informatics and data, that supports several NIH-funded programs as well as a range of local needs. She is enthusiastic about the cultural and technological changes necessary for data and informatics to improve research and health care – and the role that libraries can play to help make this happen. In her talk, “Thirsting for Knowledge: Opportunities for Librarians in the Age of Data,” Holmes will discuss intersections between libraries and data and offer a range of practical ideas that align with the core mission of the library.


Nancy's Reception

Posters, Exhibitors, Silent Auction, and Food

Presentation by the Burpee Museum of Hatural History

The presentation will delve into the fossil record of Illinois and explore our geological history from 450 million years ago in the Ordovician period through the forests of the carboniferous to our state fossil, the Tully Monster. The Burpee Museum has been a vital part of the Rockford community since May of 1942. The museum is known for, among other things, Jane, the most complete juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in the world.

Betsy Carlson has been a dedicated and enthusiastic member of the Museum's Education Staff since 2003. She has a Master's in Education from Ohio University and has been an integral member of the home school community in the Rockford area for many years.

Silent Auction

Join us at the 2108 HSLI Conference Silent Auction where you will be able to bid on technology items, art, goodie baskets, homemade jellies, wine, cups, and more.


Starting bids will be posted near each item. Thanks to all donors and all bidders! All proceeds will benefit the HSLI Scholarship Fund.

Poster Session

Download poster abstracts

1. Instructor and Librarian Collaboration on a Course Without a Textbook
2. Improve ILL Workflows with this OA Search Tool
3. Building an Assistive Technology Workspace
4. Creating a Consortium Task Force to Assess E-Resource Accessibility
5. Finding Clinical Research in PubMed
6. Assessing Data Management Support Needs of Bioengineering and Biomedical Research Faculty
7. Communicating and Visualizing Publication Data for Departments, Institutes, and Centers
8. Navigating the Waters: Information Literacy at DePauw University – Science First Year Seminars and Global Health Courses

Lightning Talks

Join us for HSLI’s first ever LightningTalks!  These brief presentations from our members are sure to provide food for thought. Our line-up includes:

Curriculum Vitae: Teaching Students how to get Reeled in by Employers 
Cynthia Ehret Snyder, MS, MLS, Reference and Instruction Services Manager,
University Libraries, Midwestern University

What to do When a Fire Extinguisher Explodes in a Library
Liesl Cottrell, MLIS, Director of Library Services at Resurrection University in Chicago

Lessons learned as a remote Health Sciences librarian
Emily Gilbert, MLIS, Librarian, School of Health Sciences, Rasmussen College

Anniversaries and Commemorations: Opportunities for Health Sciences Librarians
Ramune K. Kubilius, MALS, AHIP, Collection Development / Special Projects Librarian, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


Download PDF Program

Registration Hours

Wednesday 9/26/18


Hotel lobby

Thursday 9/27/18


Registration Desk (hall outside Vanderbilt rooms)



Registration Desk (hall outside Vanderbilt rooms)

Friday 9/28/18 


Registration Desk (hall outside Vanderbilt rooms)

Wednesday September 26, 2018


Board and Mentor/Mentee Dinner
Board Meeting  

Vanderbilt 1

Thursday    September 27, 2018


Sunrise Walk (sunrise 6:44am) 

meet in hotel lobby


Breakfast    Vanderbilt 1



Keynote: Thirsting for Knowledge: Opportunities for Librarians in the
Age of Data. – Kristi L. Holmes, PhD, Director, Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Vanderbilt 2



Vanderbilt 2


NNLM / GMR Update  View Slides

Vanderbilt 2


Updates: Illinois State Library / Illinois Association of College and
Research Libraries (IACRL) / Reaching Across Illinois Library System
(RAILS) / Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS)

Vanderbilt 2


Lunch – sponsored by Wolters-Kluwer

Vanderbilt 1


Business Meeting



Sponsored talk from Wolters-Kluwer



CE 1: Data Management in the Wild – Erin Foster (no MLA CE credit) This session is supported by a Professional Development Award from the NNLM Greater Midwest Region.

Vanderbilt 2


CE 2: Your Online Professional Identity – Using Professional Profile
Systems to Your Best Advantage – Peg Burnette, Erin Kerby, Amanda
Avery (no MLA CE credit) This session is supported by a Professional Development Award from the NNLM Greater Midwest Region.

Vanderbilt 3


Break – sponsored by RAILS 

Vanderbilt 1


Lightning Talks – (no MLA CE credit)
Curriculum Vitae: Teaching Students How to Get Reeled in by Employers  
Cynthia Ehret Snyder, MS, MLS, Midwestern University
What to do When a Fire Extinguisher Explodes in a Library Liesl Cottrell, MLIS, Resurrection University
Lessons Learned as a Remote Health Sciences Librarian Emily Gilbert, MLIS, Rasmussen College
Anniversaries and Commemorations: Opportunities for Health Sciences Librarians
Ramune K. Kubilius, MALS, AHIP, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Vanderbilt 1


Sunset Walk (sunset 6:38pm)

meet in hotel lobby


Nancy's Reception – Food, Exhibitors, Posters, Silent Auction 

Vanderbilt 1, 2 and 3


Nancy's Reception Entertainment - Burpee Museum presentation

Vanderbilt 1, 2 and 3

Friday       September 28, 2018


Sunrise Walk  

meet in hotel lobby


Breakfast (Posters may still be available for viewing) 

Vanderbilt 1


CE 3: Building Partnerships with Faculty, Clinicians and Other Stakeholders – Gwen Wilson (4 MLA CE)  This session is supported by a Professional Development Award from the NNLM Greater Midwest Region.

Vanderbilt 2


CE 4: Dissemination in Action: Communicating Research in a Digital
World – Karen Gutzman (4 MLA CE)

Vanderbilt 3



Vanderbilt 1


Conference Hotel

Cliffbreakers Riverside Hotel & Conference Center / Riverview Inn & Suites

Address: 700 W Riverside Boulevard Rockford, IL 61103

Conference Room Rate

$124.26 per night for double Queen or Jr. King. Posted price includes tax. Bi-level rooms not available at the conference rate.

The conference room rate is only guaranteed until September 3


Online reservations are not available at the conference rate. Call the number below to make a room reservation.

Phone: 815-282-3033

Online reservations can be made as http://www.cliffbreakers.com/ The conference rate cannot be guaranteed for online reservations.

Hotel from River

Syed Maghrabi Scholarship Application

Download Application Form
The application deadline is August 3.

Conference News

Evelyn Cunico – 2018 Syed Maghrabi Scholarship Recipient – Conference Report

October 28th, 2018 by

Evelyn Cunico, MA, MS/LIS, is the creator and editor of the monthly blog at https://chimeconsumerhealth.wordpress.com  Her report about her experience at the HSLI annual conference is shared.

Thank You

As a recipient of the Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) 2018 Syed Maghrabi Scholarship, I would like to thank the HSLI 2018 Conference Planning Committee, the Syed Maghrabi Scholarship Committee, and everyone who participates in the Silent Auction, whose proceeds benefit the HSLI Scholarship Fund.

2018 HSLI Annual Conference Highlights Collaboration and Data Management

Collaboration, Communication, and Data Management are among the most important skills across all fields according to the Association of College and Research Libraries 2016 and 2018 Reports on Top Trends in Academic Libraries.

The HSLI 2018 Annual Conference, with its theme Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge, invited Continuing Education Presenters who targeted these skills.

Building Partnerships with Faculty, Clinicians, and other Stakeholders was presented by Gwen Wilson, MLS, Health Informatics Librarian, Mabee Library, Washburn University, Topeka, KS.

Encouraging her audience to think strategically about building partnerships, Gwen discussed Key Factors for Successful Partnerships. For example, Gwen reminded us that Establishing Common Ground is a winning strategy.

Barriers to successful partnerships may include limited time, silos (tight-knit groups), or lack of clear direction. Success relies on patience and persistence.

Gwen recommended the following article.  Giesecke, Joan. The Value of Partnerships: Building New Partnerships for Success. Journal of Library Administration. Volume 52, Issue 01 (2012), pages 36-52.

Data Management: Why It Matters and What You Can Do about It was presented by Erin Foster, MSLS, Data Services Librarian, Indiana University School of Medicine, Ruth Lilly Medical Library. Erin is a former National Library of Medicine (NLM) fellow.

As Information Specialists, we have a key role in helping practitioners and the public manage and share data they produce and use.

Erin discussed national and state level initiatives that inform local data management efforts. One initiative is the National Institutes of Health CD2H Initiative. The National Center for Data to Health (CD2H) aims to promote data reuse and collaboration.

To build a workforce for data-driven research, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) enhances Workforce Development opportunities by offering data management courses for medical librarians, providers, researchers, and staff. In general, I find NLM courses on information topics to be very useful.

Erin recommended the following website.  NNLM RD3: Resources for Data-Driven Discovery

Managing Your Online Scholarly Identity was presented by Peg Burnette, Assistant Professor and Biomedical Sciences Librarian, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), and her team, which included Erin Kerby, UIUC Veterinary Medicine Librarian, and Amada Avery, a UIUC iSchool graduate student

Peg’s session served as an overview of options available to professionals for sharing ideas and publications. It was meant to get people thinking strategically about how they are represented online.

Peg and her team discussed Tools for Scholarship (such as Mendeley), Identity Tools (such as ORCID), Social Media Tools (such as blogs), and Research Information Management (such as Pure). For example, this HSLI Newsletter blog is a good way to share ideas and manage a professional identity.

Peg recommended the following article.  Barbour, Kim and David Marshall. The Academic Online: Constructing Persona through the World Wide Web. First Monday, Peer Reviewed Journal on the Internet. Volume 17, Number 09 (September 03, 2012).

Dissemination in Action: Communicating in a Digital World was presented by Karen E. Gutzman, MA, MSLS, Digital Innovations Specialist, Galter Health Sciences Library and Learning Center, Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.

Increasingly, librarians are involved in tracking research dissemination and impact. Karen’s session provided a background on dissemination and demonstrated the practical application of a variety of tools.

The session included details such as, exploring social media platforms used to disseminate research, writing plain language research summaries, optimizing outputs for discoverability by search engines, and exploring tools that track alternative metrics. This information prompted me to browse the Galter website on Altmetrics.

Browse the following website.  Galter Health Sciences Library. Using Alternative Metrics to Tell Your Science Story.


Eric Edwards presented the Illinois State Library Update and the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries Update. Eric, who is the new IACRL President for 2018-19, said that IACRL is looking for opportunities to collaborate with other library organizations, including HSLI. Eric asked that we contact him with ideas at EEdwards@ilos.net.

Joining us by Skype, Jacqueline Leskovec presented the NNLM/GMR Update. Staff from the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) and the Illinois Heartland Library System (IHLS) presented in-person updates.

Lightning Talks 

Although I did not attend the Lightning Talks, I appreciated Nancy’s Reception, as it gave me an opportunity to network. By chance, I chatted with Liesl Cottrell from Resurrection University about how librarians came to the rescue when a fire extinguisher exploded. Whew!


Before Nancy’s Reception, I took a group Sunset Walk along the river. I also enjoyed the Burpee Museum presentation during the reception.

What a terrific 2018 HSLI Annual Conference! Thank You, Everyone!

The Conference Process, the Return of the A/V Elf, and the Importance of Shims

October 24th, 2018 by

The Conference Planning Process

The HSLI conference planning process starts a few weeks after the last conference ends. The past year’s committee looks over the feedback on the conference to make decisions on the next conference. This is why it is important to submit your evaluation.

Sometimes we pick the city based on the conference survey. Sometimes we pick a place close to the current president. Sometimes the tourism board from a city will reach out to HSLI. We try to alternate between sites north of I-80 and south of I-80. Once a city is selected, the search for a hotel begins. The overworked souls that will lead the planning effort self-select early in the process. In 2018, Miranda and Roy, who both have years and years conference committee experience, led the effort.

For the past several years, members of the planning committee have traveled to review potential hotels in person. Our goal is to get the membership a comfortable space with good food at a low cost. We also interrogate hotel staff on special diet options and allergy notices on food.  We ask about options for vegetarians, vegans, gluten free, and ingredient labels. We ask to make sure our vegan friends won’t be served the same meal several times in a row.  We tour the meeting spaces and guest rooms. We ask about audio visual costs, get meeting room rental rates, and get catering menus. We ask about available dates to book the space. We ask about what kinds of tape we can use on the walls and floor.

Daneen has been our specialist on food for years. She works up a menu and gets food costs. The committee then considers the meeting facilities, guest room rates, A/V costs and rules, dates the hotel is available, and dates of other conferences. The date of the conference is in sometimes  determined by available dates at the chosen hotel.

Once the date is set, I set up the  bare bones of the conference website. At this point, all we have is a date, location, and hotel information. The committee picks the theme and a design logo draft is made. For the past few years I’ve designed the logo and the conference committee suggests changes until we get a mutually agreeable logo. The logo and theme go to Daneen so she can start recruiting exhibitors and vendors. They publicity committee sends out “save the date” notices.

The Continuing Education and Program committees begin working on possible speakers. They look at MLA CE  offerings and conference survey feedback for ideas. Again, it is very important to do the conference survey, especially if you chose not to attend because you didn’t find the programs interesting. We need members to make suggestions so we can find programs that are useful to them. Several rounds of brainstorming, phone calls, and scheduling ensue. Travel costs for speakers must be considered.

Once there is a rough idea of costs, the conference fee is set. The registration form is designed and I fight with PayPal to get the online payment system set up.  Michelle has done an amazing job managing registration for many years. Cynthia joined the registration committee with the 2017 conference. Registration payments are forwarded to Laura to deposit into the HSLI account.

The call for posters and the call for scholarships goes out and the publicity committee pushes announcements to many listservs and newsletters.  A/V needs for speakers and exhibitors are collected. Program information is added to the website. The committee holds conference calls to make sure everything is on track. The silent auction committee solicits donations and gets publicity out. Fran and Ramune found an amazing assortment of items this year.  All this happens in the months and weeks before the conference.

As you can see, there is a great deal of work that goes into the conference every year. Many conference committee members have served in the same role for many years. I encourage all HSLI members to consider serving on the conference planning committee. HSLI survives on members volunteering their time to keep the organization running.

Serving on the planning committee provides valuable event planning experience. If there wedding planning or large party planning in your future, conference planning committee experience is extremely valuable. You will learn how to effectively negotiate with hotels, do meal planning for large groups, wrangle audio visual needs, and possible even how to create table decorations. The beautiful table centerpieces for 2018 were supplied by Miranda. The vases were from her personal collection.

Running the Conference

The first night of the conference involves fine tuning arrangements with the hotel on room setup, getting the registration table set up, and unpacking all the stuff required to run the conference. Many years ago Jerry DeWitt created a conference emergency box that holds an array of office supplies, fasteners, and tape. This year Miranda upgraded the box to a rolling toolbox. The box lets us solve many problems on the fly without tracking down hotel staff.

In the original negotiations with the hotel for 2018, we planned to contract out the audio visual equipment. The hotel did not get a contractor, so Daneen borrowed all the A/V equipment from Western and personally transported it to Rockford. Reprising my role as the A/V elf from 2016, I did the most of the A/V setup. The hotel only had tall tables available to put the projectors on, so all the projectors had to be propped up in the back with impromptu shims. We used stacks of post-it notes and soup bowls. Additionally, some of the tables were missing a foot, so the tables were shimmed up with stacks of napkins.


My Take-Aways from the Conference

The conference committee does all this work so we can learn from each other and from our invited speakers. I greatly enjoyed Liesl’s fire extinguisher presentation. I’ve forwarded a summary to my library’s emergency committee and preservation committee.

From the keynote, I learned that there is tons of stuff happening at the national level that I knew nothing about. Further, from Erin’s presentation, I learned that I had personally defined data management was extremely narrow. Erin did an excellent job explaining how data management is a part of the research cycle.

I enjoyed seeing the creative social media messages that my classmates produced in Karen’s session. There was great information provided on dissemination methods. If you were not able to attend, check out her slides at https://digitalhub.northwestern.edu/files/89543ba0-fb1d-4691-93b1-e19772b577c7

And of course I greatly enjoyed getting to visit with everyone and meeting some new people!


The Conference Committee

Here is the full conference committee roster, give them all a big thank you!

Conference Co-Chairs 
Miranda Shake   Lakeview College of Nursing
Roy Jones   Retired

Continuing Education
Frances Drone-Silvers   Carle Foundation Hospital

Eric Edwards   Illinois State Library
Daneen Richardson   Western Illinois University

Laura Wimmer   Presence Resurrection Medical Center

GMR Liaison
Jacqueline Leskovec NNLM GMR

Linda Feinberg   Northshore University HealthSystem – Evanston Hospital
Charlotte Beyer Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Mary Pat Gordon FHN Memorial Hospital

Linda Feinberg   Northshore University HealthSystem – Evanston Hospital

Eric Edwards   Illinois State Library
Peg Burnette University of Illinois a t Urbana- Champaign Grainger Engineering Library Information Center
Ramune Kubilius   Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Daneen Richardson   Western Illinois University
Miranda Shake   Lakeview College of Nursing

Michelle Quinones   Graham Hospital School of Nursing
Cynthia Reynolds   University of Illinois at Chicago

Silent Auction
Fran Kovach   Retired
Ramune Kubilius   Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Michelle Nielsen Ott Methodist College Library
Julie Dietrich Blessing Hospital Blessing Health Professions Library
Ramune Kubilius Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Stacey Knight-Davis  Eastern Illinois University


NN/LM – GMR Professional Development Award Supports CE Sessions at HSLI Annual Conference

October 23rd, 2018 by

On behalf of our members, the HSLI Conference Planning Committee extends a thank you to the NN/LM – GMR for the Professional Development Award that funded three valuable continuing education sessions at HSLI’s 2018 conference. A story and photos about the education funded by the award are at the GMR website.



Reminder: HSLI Member Survey–Conference Feedback

October 21st, 2018 by

(via Miranda Shake, HSLI Past President)

The conference planning committee is surveying all HSLI members for feedback on conferences.

If you attended the 2018 meeting, the survey includes questions specific to the 2018 conference. The survey should take about 7 minutes to complete.

If you did not attend the 2018 conference we still want you to take the survey! There are questions about what you want in future CE and how to make the conference more useful to you. The survey should take 3 minutes or less if you did not attend the 2018 conference

Go to the survey:


Please try to complete the survey by October 17th so your voice can be heard.

Kirstin Duffin – 2018 Syed Maghrabi Scholarship Recipient: Conference Report

October 10th, 2018 by
Kirstin Duffin, MS, MLIS, is a reference librarian in Booth Library of Eastern Illinois University.  Her report about her experience at the HSLI annual conference is shared.

As a recipient of the 2018 Syed Maghrabi Scholarship to attend the HSLI conference this year, I would like to offer my thanks: to the scholarship review committee, to those who donate to the scholarship fund, and to the memory of Syed Maghrabi. HSLI 2018: Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge was the third HSLI conference I’ve attended. To me, the highlights of HSLI Annual are: (1) the ease with which I am able to connect with librarians, and (2) the programming that is relevant across sectors – as an academic science liaison librarian, I feel like I fit right in. The theme of this year’s conference – data management – proves this cross-sector relevance.

Librarians, myself included, are needing to add familiarity with data management to our jack-of-all-trades skill set. To this end, Dr. Kristi Holmes’ keynote address discussed ways librarians can assist in the research life cycle. Her suggestions both to set incremental goals (today, next week, this year) to advance one’s awareness about data management and to develop a communication plan resonated with me. I am a firm believer in articulating goals to help focus my work. Today, I might read an article about data management; next week, I might talk with a science faculty member about how they manage their data and whether our institutional repository would be of use to their needs.

In both break-out sessions that I attended, participants were asked to write down our goals. (Yay, more goal setting! I have found that this time for self-reflection really helps in my ability to bring home what I learn at conferences.) In Data Management in the Wild, Erin Foster asked us to consider where there are gaps in the data services we provide and what resources we might need to develop the services we provide. For a more comprehensive view of data management services, I will be browsing the book she recommended, Margaret Henderson’s Data Management: A Practical Guide for Librarians (2017).

In Building Partnerships with Faculty, Clinicians and Other Stakeholders, Gwen Wilson helped attendees develop an action plan to take back to our own institutions. Participants brainstormed opportunities for partnerships and considered suggestions for overcoming barriers and sustaining partnerships. The goals I set for myself are to be strategic and intentional in fostering partnerships. Our teaching faculty are overwhelmed by their workload. Not everyone has the time to devote to developing a relationship with their librarian. By serving on relevant committees, making myself visible by roaming the halls of the departments or attending departmental events, and reaching out to new faculty and faculty developing new programs and courses, I see where I can target my efforts to improve my successes in building partnerships. By engaging faculty in conversations, I can offer more targeted recommendations for appropriate library services for their needs. I also valued our discussion about self-care and recognizing when we’ve burned the candle at both ends; as librarians, we don’t have to overburden ourselves with outreach, but we do need to participate.

New to the conference program this year, four librarians provided quick tips in rapid succession during their lightning talks. Thanks to Cynthia Ehret Snyder, Liesl Cottrell, Emily Gilbert, and Ramune Kubilius for energizing us late in the day on Thursday. I especially enjoyed hearing Emily’s experience in working exclusively with online programs and her suggestions for reaching out to faculty.

This year, I presented a poster, “Improve ILL Workflows with this OA Search Tool,” and I was grateful to have the chance to talk with so many colleagues who stopped by to learn about this research. I will be using feedback from our discussions to inform the manuscript that I’ll be writing on the same topic. As the Legislative Committee co-chair, I presented this year’s legislative report during the board and business meetings. Tracking legislative news isn’t something I’m naturally inclined to do, so serving as co-chair has been a nice incentive to intentionally browse headlines every few weeks and report on pressing legislative issues.

Thanks to the members of the conference planning committee. Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge was yet another enjoyable HSLI conference.

2018 HSLI Conference Program Now Available

September 21st, 2018 by

The 2018 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference is less than a week away! This year’s event will take place from Wednesday, September 26, to Friday, September 28, at Cliffbreakers Riverside Hotel & Conference Center (also known as Riverview Inn & Suites) in Rockford, IL. There is still time to register. (The early-bird deadline has passed.)

If you are already planning to attend and want to schedule your time at the Conference (or, if you haven’t decided yet, but want to see what professional-development and networking opportunities are available), the program is now on the website, and it is also available for download as a PDF. Some of the highlights of the Conference schedule are listed below.

  • keynote address on Thursday morning: “Thirsting for Knowledge: Opportunities for Librarians in the Age of Data” (speaker is Kristi L. Holmes, PhD, who is the Director of Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine)
  • four CE sessions, two apiece on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning (cost is included with registration)
  • NEW!: Lightning Talks, featuring brief discussions of issues related  to health sciences librarianship (Thursday afternoon)
  • on Thursday evening, take a break from attending formal sessions to enjoy Nancy’s Reception, featuring food, exhibitors, poster presentations, and a silent auction

For general questions about the Annual Conference or the Health Science Librarians of Illinois organization, please e-mail Eric Edwards, Chair of the 2018 HSLI Annual Conference Publicity Subcommittee: <EEdwards@ilsos.net>. You may also learn more on the Conference page of the HSLI  website.   

Again, we hope to see you in Rockford from September 26 to 28! 

–The HSLI 2018 Publicity Subcommittee   

Reminder: Early-Bird Registration Deadline for 2018 HSLI Annual Conference is Wednesday, 9/12

September 12th, 2018 by

Early registration for the 2018 Health Sciences Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference ends Wednesday, September 12th. After that date, there will be a $25 late fee assessed to register.   

Please follow this link for online Conference registration using PayPal, or you may download the PDF form from the registration page and mail it, with a check payable to HSLI. You will be able to sign up for your Conference CEs, the mentor/mentee program, food choices, and dietary restrictions. Please refer to the registration form for the various rates and options. Notes: Continuing-education courses are included in the cost of registration, and there is a $6.00 surcharge for registering online. 

The 2018 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference will take place from Wednesday, September 26, to Friday, September 28. The Conference, with its theme, “Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge”, will feature continuing-education opportunities, invited speakers, poster sessions and lightning talks, and a vendor showcase, along with networking opportunities for library and information science professionals and students alike. To book your hotel stay at The Cliffbreakers Hotel & Conference Center (also known as Riverview Inn & Suites), please call 1-815-282-3033 or visit the website.

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Eric Edwards, Chair of the HSLI Annual Conference Publicity Subcommittee, or visit the HSLI Conference website. 

-HSLI Annual Conference 2018 Publicity Subcommittee 

HSLI 2018 Conference: Thursday Afternoon CE Course (Managing Your Scholarly Identity)

September 7th, 2018 by

Did you know that the 2018 HSLI conference registration includes continuing education courses? Attendees are able to select one Thursday afternoon two hour course and one Friday morning four hour course at the time of registration.

Spotlight on the Thursday afternoon course: Managing your Scholarly Identity

One’s online scholarly presence can be critical for work and scholarship; it is also time-consuming, however, and, sometimes, we are not fully aware of how we are represented on the Internet. In this workshop participants will learn about options for managing one’s online identity, using tools such as Academia.edu, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, ORCID, and more. We will share strategies that can help you make decisions about which tools will best fit your needs and workflow.  Not only will this be useful for one’s own work and scholarship, but it will also be helpful for those who support other professionals engaged in research and scholarship.

The instructors will be Peg Burnette, Erin Kerby, and Amanda Avery. Peg is Assistant Professor and Biomedical Sciences Librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is actively engaged in the supporting the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, in addition to a robust campus-wide program of interdisciplinary health sciences research, and she is also a member of the 2018 HSLI Annual Conference Planning Committee.  Erin is the Veterinary Medicine Librarian at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Erin enjoys being able to combine her experience as a health sciences librarian with her passion for animal health and welfare.  Erin holds a Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan School of Information.  She is an avid horseback rider, and in her spare time trains her horse in dressage. Amanda, a graduate student at the University of Illinois iSchool and a graduate assistant at the Grainger Engineering Library, is interested in pursuing a career in health sciences librarianship.

CE options

Thursday [do not offer MLA CE credit]:

1) Data Management in the Wild *

2) Managing your Scholarly Identity *

Friday [do offer MLA CE credit]:

1) Building Partnerships with Faculty, Clinicians and other Stakeholders *

2) Dissemination in Action: Communicating Research in a Digital World

*The Conference Planning Committee acknowledges support of the Professional Development Award through the GMR (National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region) Office for these courses.


HSLI members and colleagues are invited to attend the HSLI 2018 Annual Conference which will be held September 26-28 in Rockford, IL at the Cliffbreakers Riverside Hotel and Conference Center [also known as: Riverview Inn & Suites, an Ascent Hotel Collection Member].  The Conference, with its theme, “Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge”, will feature a keynote talk, updates, lightning talks, Nancy’s Reception, a poster session, a vendor showcase and silent auction, as well as continuing education and networking opportunities.

Date to remember:  

*September 12: Early-bird registration deadline

For general questions about the Annual Conference or the Health Science Librarians of Illinois organization, please e-mail Eric Edwards, Chair of the 2018 HSLI Annual Conference Publicity Subcommittee: <EEdwards@ilsos.net>. You may also learn more on the Conference page of the HSLI website.

We hope to see you in Rockford from September 26 to 28!

–The HSLI 2018 Publicity Subcommittee

HSLI 2018 Annual Conference: Keynote Speaker (Northwestern University’s Dr. Kristi Holmes)

September 5th, 2018 by

The Health Science Librarians of Illinois Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce the 2018 keynote speaker, Dr. Kristi Holmes. In her talk, “Thirsting for Knowledge: Opportunities for Librarians in the Age of Data” on Thursday, September 27th, she will discuss intersections between libraries and data, and will offer a range of practical ideas that align with the core mission of the library.

FSM Staff headshots on 9/6/17. Photos by Nathan Mandell.

Kristi Holmes, PhD, is the Director of Galter Health Sciences Library & Learning Center, Director of Evaluation for Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS), and Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics) and Medical Education at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She is also co-director of the new National Center for Data to Health (CD2H), where she works with the other directors and with the larger translational informatics community to help guide the cultural and technological changes necessary for data and informatics, to improve research and health care. She is enthusiastic about the cultural and technological changes necessary for data and informatics to improve research and health care – and the role that libraries can play to help make this happen.


The 2018 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference will take place from Wednesday, September 26, to Friday, September 28 in Rockford, IL at the Cliffbreakers Hotel & Conference Center [also known as: Riverview Inn & Suites, an Ascent Hotel Collection Member]. The Conference, with its theme, “Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge”, will feature continuing-education opportunities, invited speakers, sessions for posters and lightning talks, d a vendor showcase, along with networking opportunities for library and information science professionals and students alike. 

Deadline to remember:

  • Wednesday, September 12: Early-bird registration deadline

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Eric Edwards, Chair of the HSLI Annual Conference Publicity Subcommittee, or visit the HSLI Conference Website. 

-HSLI Annual Conference 2018 Publicity Subcommittee 

HSLI 2018 Annual Conference: Nancy’s Reception and Other Activities for the Evening of Thursday, September 27

August 27th, 2018 by



Although most of the 2018 HSLI Annual Conference will consist of CE sessions and other formal activities, there will also be opportunities to relax and network, especially during the evening of the Conference’s first full day, Thursday, September 27. 

After the end of the day’s CE sessions and lightning rounds, meet in the hotel for a sunset walk. The walk will last 20-30 minutes. Watch the Conference website for more details on where walkers will meet at the hotel. 

Nancy’s Reception will follow the walk. (Check the Conference program for details on the start and finish times as they are posted.) Enjoy food, visit your fellow attendees’ poster presentations, learn about a local museum from a staff member, visit exhibitor booths, and bid on items in the Silent Auction. See below for more information on each. 

Interested in what projects or research your colleagues have undertaken recently? The poster session lasts from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. During this time, attendees will be able to speak with the posters’ authors. The posters will remain up through breakfast on Friday morning. If you are interested in learning about the posters ahead of time, the abstracts will be up on the website shortly before the Conference, and they will also be included with the materials attendees will pick up when they sign in on-site. 

Never visited Rockford before, or have been but missed an opportunity to see the Burpee Museum of Natural History? Betsy Carlson, a member of the Museum’s Education staff, will present on the state’s geological history over the past 450 million years, including the state fossil, the Tully Monster. The Burpee Museum has been a vital part of the Rockford community since 1942 and is known for, among other things, the most complete juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton in the world, nicknamed “Jane”.  

Interested in learning more about some of the latest databases and other products that the Conference exhibitors and sponsors offer? Stop by their tables during the Reception. Exhibitors and sponsors based in Illinois or the Midwest include the National Network of Libraries of Medicine – Greater Midwest Region (NNLM – GMR) and the Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS). There will also be several commercial vendors, including Wolters Kluwer, Thieme, and Elsevier.  

Want to support the Syed Maghrabi Conference Scholarship, while also bidding on unique items? Take part in the Silent Auction. Donated items include a basket of goodies related to Illinois’s 200th anniversary, a portable DVD player, and numerous pieces of artwork. All proceeds go toward the Scholarship’s fund. Watch the Conference website for a complete list of items, along with photographs. 


The 2018 Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference will take place from Wednesday, September 26, to Friday, September 28. The Conference, with its theme, “Rivers of Data, Streams of Knowledge”, will feature continuing-education opportunities, invited speakers, poster sessions and lightning talks, and a vendor showcase, along with networking opportunities for library and information science professionals and students alike.  

Other dates to remember: 

  • August 31:  Poster proposal deadline 
  • September 3: Deadline to reserve hotel rooms at Conference rate (Note: This is an extension of the previous deadline of August 31.) 
  • September 12:  Early bird registration deadline 

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact Eric Edwards, Chair of the HSLI Annual Conference Publicity Subcommittee, or visit the HSLI Conference website 

–The 2018 HSLI Conference Publicity Subcommittee 


Conference Sponsors and Exhibitors

Exhibitor application packet

Conference Committee

Conference Co-Chairs 
Miranda Shake   Lakeview College of Nursing
Roy Jones   Retired

Continuing Education
Frances Drone-Silvers   Carle Foundation Hospital

Eric Edwards   Illinois State Library
Daneen Richardson   Western Illinois University

Laura Wimmer   Presence Resurrection Medical Center

GMR Liaison
Jacqueline Leskovec NNLM GMR

Linda Feinberg   Northshore University HealthSystem - Evanston Hospital
Charlotte Beyer Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
Mary Pat Gordon FHN Memorial Hospital

Linda Feinberg   Northshore University HealthSystem - Evanston Hospital

Eric Edwards   Illinois State Library
Peg Burnette University of Illinois a t Urbana- Champaign Grainger Engineering Library Information Center
Ramune Kubilius   Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Daneen Richardson   Western Illinois University
Miranda Shake   Lakeview College of Nursing

Michelle Quinones   Graham Hospital School of Nursing
Cynthia Reynolds   University of Illinois at Chicago

Silent Auction
Fran Kovach   Retired
Ramune Kubilius   Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Michelle Nielsen Ott Methodist College Library
Julie Dietrich Blessing Hospital Blessing Health Professions Library
Ramune Kubilius Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Stacey Knight-Davis  Eastern Illinois University